Oriental Cockroach (Blatta Orientealis) The Oriental Cockroach are dark brown or almost black in color and are shiny. They are about 1 inch to 1 ¼ inches long. These Cockroaches have very small wings that barely cover their backs, so they cannot fly. Oriental cockroaches live in areas with decaying organic matter (plants and animals) and places where it’s damp, cool and dark. Most of the time they are outdoors, beneath leaves, in mulch, and in garbage dumps. Places where they might be inside the home in floor drains, under sinks and washing machines, and in damp basements.

Oriental Cockroach (Blatta Orientealis)

The Oriental Cockroach are dark brown or almost black in color and are shiny. They are about 1 inch to 1 ¼ inches long. These Cockroaches have very small wings that barely cover their backs, so they cannot fly.

Oriental cockroaches live in areas with decaying organic matter (plants and animals) and places where it’s damp, cool and dark. Most of the time they are outdoors, beneath leaves, in mulch, and in garbage dumps. Places where they might be inside the home in floor drains, under sinks and washing machines, and in damp basements.

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